ABOUT Decollement
Décollement Consulting is a Multi-state, Full Service Mud Logging Company that for over years assists in exploration and development of emerging geologic trends using new, leading edge technology at the well site.
We are privileged to work with many top oil & gas operators. Providing on time, state of the art logging, reports that are designed to help keep our client’s projects on time and profitable.
We have the expertise to offer 1 or 2-man programs to fit your needs, and are willing to adapt to operator requirements from job to job which include various, detailed sample collection, analysis and description, along with creative, informative logs.
Décollement Consulting is always on the cutting edge of technology, offering state of the art instruments, customized logging programs, continuity in our geological staff, and quality logging services.
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Decollement Consulting Provides a number of Geoscience services throughout the United States
Décollement Consulting mud logging services are designed to aid your geologists and engineers in the field to make timely and informed decisions regarding drilling operations.
Décollement Consultanting has extensive well operation experience and specific geological expertise for any well drilling project requirements. Wellsite geological services are provided in conjunction with our well operations project management consultancy.
Décollement Consulting is here to provide the best professional experience in horizontal drilling projects. Depending upon operator requirements, FGS can geonavigate utilizing various software suites such as Excel, SES, WellDirect, LatNav, as well as any operator specific programs etc.
Decollement also provides a number of onsite and offsite Geochemistry services. X-Ray Fluorescence and X-Ray Defraction (XRF and XRD) are used to find concentrations of trace elements in drill cutting samples. Also, Mass Spectrometry is used to determine the elemental/isotopic signature of samples.
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We are hiring. APPLY TODAY!
Decollement Consulting is always looking for the best people. We pride ourselves on having the best talent in the industry. If you have what is takes please take a minute to APPLY NOW on our career opportunities page.